It was about 69 years ego and I was 0.001 years old. During this time I was an Xtreme hipster, you'd always see in starbucks drinking weed and eating liquid nitrogen. People would always come up to me and tell me I was a retarded cis white male and they'd throw their coffee at me but one day a deformed Johnny Bravo clone came up to me and threw and cup of lube at me with a web address (http\\ on the bottom of the cup. I then left and got into my sanic car and drove home. When I got home I looked the website up and only found 1 search result I clicked it and I saw link to a photo of shrek. When I saw shrek screamed and ran away from my laptop and I hid under my bed. About ten hrs later and called my sister and she came over when she saw shrek she just imploded. I tried to turn my laptop off but suddenly Shrek let out a might roar and my laptop started oozing out

hot fudge.

The fudge burned off all my skin and then turned into a giant fudge monster and raped me. I've been traumatised 4 life.